Hypnosis Paul McKenna Weightloss Smoking and You
hypnosis Tahoe Hypnotist Chris Cady  www.chriscady.com
If you saw Hypnotist Paul McKenna
On TV recently  especially on the Dr.OZ TV show,
chances are you have decided to explore a bit here online and learn a bit
more about hypnosis and how it all works.
I applaud you in your decision.
Paul McKenna has done a very nice job of presenting hypnosis in a very positive way
  If you saw Paul McKenna's weight loss or stop smoking book or saw him discussing weight loss with Dr. Oz, you might look at my photo or videos or some of the other hypnotists videos and think to yourself,  "Hey self, if hypnosis really works how come those other hypnotists are not super skinny like Hypnotist Paul McKenna?"
Here is my simple answer:
  1) Paul probably has "skinny" genetics, meaning that he Isn't half Italian (like I am) and his momma doesn't cook pasta, lasagna, pizza and all the other wonderful foods that make Italians so large.

2) Paul McKenna's wife probably isn't an amazing cook like my wife is.  I dont know anything about her but any man with a wife who is an amazing cook is gonna be at least a little heavy. My house is filled with the scent of fresh, mouth watering wonderful food and naturally I'm going to eat it.  I don't care how much hypnosis I use, I'm eating it... or else I'll get a rolling pin upside my head.

3) Paul McKenna probably does not practically live in a casino the way that I do and many other performing stage hypnotists do. As you are reading this I am presently performing at the Horizon Hotel Casino Resort in South Lake Tahoe Nevada.  I eat at the buffet,  twice daily, and after the shows people want to hang out  with me and drink and eat til long after midnight. ( Not exactly the formula for weight loss)

4) His mamma aint from the midwest or the southern part of the good ole USA where  folks fry their DEEEEE-LICIOUS foods and make home made pies...
(chances are you might be from there)
5) Paul McKenna does not live in an American city where there is fast food on every corner plus a 24 hour wal-mart and gas stations filled to the ceiling with chips, sodas and candy. 
6) Paul McKenna is Brittish and British food is so tasteless he probably doesn't want to eat very much of it.

Aren't those wonderfully politically correct answers? I thought so.

The way I look at it is this

No matter what you do, no matter what you eat,,, no matter how many hypnosis programs that you listen to or weight loss books you read...
one day,  YOU are eventually going to die!

Might as well enjoy yourself.
Feel better?
So I say go to the buffet, eat the pizza, ice cream, chocolate, candy, cookies, chips, HOT French bread...

But do it in moderation. And then get your ass on a tredmill, pop in a Richard Simmons video and sweat to the oldies, ride a bike, or walk  your fat dog who's sitting around the house bored all day.  Take your lazy text message addicted kids with you and tell them to stop moving their thumbs and  MOVE YOUR ASSES!  Because exercise is mandatory no matter how much hypnosis you use.
Then when you get back home. Pass up the Oreos and instead eat something that was not made in a factory using chemicals that you never  even heard of.

And if you can't eat in moderation because food controls YOU and it makes you buy it and eat it.  THEN  use hypnosis to help you get control over food. But realize that Paul McKenna probably does not live your life or have your bad genetics so he's probably not an accurate example of how you can be skinnier than Olive Oil

What is a far more accurate example of how hypnosis will or wont work for you is the one that I will share with you.

So now if you are still reading this you are probably wondering if Paul McKenna is telling the truth about hypnosis and its effectiveness with weight loss and stopping smoking.

While I can't speak for his results and while I am not challenging them, I can speak for my own.
While Paul Mc Kennas sells hypnosis programs for weight loss, I sell hypnosis CDs and mp3s for weight loss, stopping smoking, confidence, sleep and a variety of other human challenges  and my programs are very effective for most people in gaining control over food, stopping smoking without weight gain or any side effect   Also I do actually  use my own weight loss CDs. However in my situation I am large due to the time of day that I eat ( late at night) and also because I'm eating casino foods and of course I have a wife who is a wonderful cook.  Oh one more thing as an entertainer I FLY A LOT and am forced to eat airport  and airplane food (airlines don't serve low calorie peanuts)  and of course I am eating hotel food (late at night) all of which is fattening. So my lifestyle is probably different than yours. This is why its harder for me to shed the extra pounds then it will be for you.  HOWEVER  BECAUSE OF  the weight loss CDs that I use ( which are not Hypnotist Paul McKennas) Weight loss CDs)
they are mine and  because l use words and language patterns that I feel are more appropriate for Americans) 
Its my belief that American women and men will get better results with my CDs but maybe Pauls will work for you just fine.

But you do whatever you want.

Let me tell you
a bit about the effectiveness of hypnosis in controlling food. This is from my own experience using hypnosis with clients. Master Hypnotist Chris Cady

I once had a man come to me who said that his car MADE HIM stop at Dairy Queen and he felt controlled by some mysterious force to  drink a large shake every day on the way home from work.  He wanted to be hypnotized to not stop at Dairy Queen any more.  I hypnotized him 1 time and  he immediately stopped going to Dairy Queen and started drinking a bottle of water everyday on the way home from work. As a result he lost 50 lbs.

I once had a girl who was in high school who ate at Mc Donalds every day and was  40 lbs overweight and was in her words "chubby"  I hypnotized her 3 times not to go to Mc Donalds anymore and instead to eat healthy foods from home.
She lost 45 lbs and she is  now beautifully slender, tells me that fast food has ZERO APPEAL TO HER  and works as a professional dancer.
So you see it works. It works because your mind controls your body.

Now in my own case even though I have not yet reached my  weight loss goal. As of today I have lost 52 lbs. I now control food so I can make 3 trips to the  buffet instead of 15.  I can eat a few cookies  instead of the entire box on the way home from the supermarket and I can eat one slick of bread instead of half a loaf (on the way home)  If it were not for my own hypnosis CDs I would be the size of Louie Andrson...

So if you are interested
My weight loss Cd or mp3 program has a funny name. It  is called

"The Ultimate Lightning  Fast Weight Loss CD for Big Belly,
Big Booty
Americans Who Are Controlled By Food And Want To Have Control"

I call it that because this is exactly who it is for and because I'm a hypnotist and a comedian) I have to have some fun. You should too.

If you get my weight Loss Hypnosis CD
Here is what will happen.

All you do is listen to the CD or mp3 at bedtime or naptime
    You will feel absolutely fabulous and you will quickly drift off to sleep. When you wake up you will feel fabulous all day long. You will gain control over  food and your emotions and you will disconnect from feelings that you have attached to food. As a result of detaching FEELINGS from food. You will only eat when you are actually hungry instead of out of habit, boredom, stress, sadness, time of day or other people...OR not because you are  driving by a fast food joint and feel like the car made you  go to the drive through. Do you know what will happen as a result by plus sized friend?

You will feel better, your clothes will fit better
You will probably never look like Hypnotist Paul Mc Kenna because he has  "skinny genetics" and you and I do not amigo.  But you will be able to  at least be at a reasonable healthy size.

Fair enough?

Why not give it a try?
Chris Cady
Master Hypnotist

PS: one more thing. Everything I sell comes with a 100% money back guarantee so if you think it does not work for you ANY TIME EVER. Just send it back and I will refund every cent of your purchase price.
(Good luck finding me in Mexico)

Master Hypnotist
Chris Cady