hypnosis for job interview questions and anxiety
How You Can Harness
The Power Of Your Mind
Sky Rocket Your Self Confidence
Job Interview Anxiety

by Master Hypnotist
Chris Cady

ALL Star Peak Performance
Mental Training Center

Attention Job Seekers
If you Are Out of Work
and looking for a Job and you CHOKE
at the interviews because you don't know how to answer the job interview questions and you are nervous, anxious, negative and have become used to NOT
getting the job...
This  letter along with a few FREE tips for boosting your self confidence for your next job interview
just might be the most important letter that you ever read
here is why.

Let's face it.  Interviewing for a job is TOUGH! (Especially these days)
You are nervous, anxious and you are totally under the microscope. The interviewer asks tough questions that make you feel uncomfortable...

If you are reading this looking for the proper way to answer job interview questions or for any kind of tips on how to do better at a job interview because you keep choking and stumbling and fumbling and saying stupid things and making mistakes that you know are BLOWING the interview because you are nervous... and you feel that you could benefit from a GIANT BOOST IN YOUR self confidence and you think  that hypnosis for a job interview might help you but you are wondering if it will or not

the answer is

Hypnosis  can help. I will even show you a few FREE Tips on how you can use hypnosis to help you before and during your next job interview so that you let go of anxiety, fear, self doubt and actually answer the job interview questions and speak with confidence.

Why am I telling you this?
Because I  know you are having a tough time and because I believe that I can help you.

My name is Chris Cady and I’m a hypnotist.
I’m going to start off by proudly saying that
While most people know me because I use hypnosis for entertainment, I
also use hypnosis to help people with all sorts of human challenges including

Skyrocketing Your
Self Confidence.

In the last few years several people have come to me who  have interviewed for jobs that they felt they were qualified for and have been rejected so many times  they have become mentally conditioned to fail and they are in a slump and when they show up to the interview they expect to get rejected and so their lack of  lack confidence shows and they are so filled with doubt and feel so negative that they  radiate weakness and negativity and  say stupid tings during the interview and later kick themselves over it.

If this sounds familiar
perhaps I can help even YOU

Because using hypnosis I have  helped my clients
break out of slumps,   by learning to use the power of their mind to FOCUS, relax tension, feel unstoppably confident  and  get the result that they present wonderfully in their interview
and  sometimes actually get the job. 

I’m proud to say that I’m damm good at it which is exactly you should read every word of this letter.

"Fortune favors the bold!"

You see for years people have come to me asking for help using hypnosis for a variety of issues with their self confidence. Mostly people seek confidence in social situations, or in school or with sports or  stage fright or in auditions.  But since 2008 more people then ever have been in need of self confidence with job interviews.

It seems that when it comes to job interview tips most people focus on:

Appearance, resume information, professional behavior and canned responses to standard and sometimes unusual  job interview questions.

This letter is not about any of those things.
You see,
If you are going to "nail" a job interview
You need your brain on your side.

When you are out interviewing for a job, what is really important is not so much  what you say
but rather how you say it and how you come across to the job interviewer or prospective employer.

Regardless of the type of job

The  # 1 thing the employer is looking for is

When you "go in" for a job interview  you are not interviewing with a company.
What you are doing is meeting with a person for the first time.

And this person needs to like you.

Its no different then meeting a person in a social situation. The only difference is that instead of getting the to like you as a friend
you need to get them to like you as a friend and
be willing to pay you for your time.

And the first way that you do this in a job interview is by radiating
You do it with your  face, eyes, facial expression, your posture and your vocal inflections.
You convey this confidence with your words, gestures and behavior.

People are attracted to confidence
Because confidence  = competence.
Confidence = trainability
Confidence = reliability

If you can not convey within a few seconds that you are a person who is confident, the interviewer will not want you around and then anything you tell them  really won't matter.  No matter how qualified you are for the job.

If you have been UNSUCCESSFULLY interviewing for jobs that you are qualified for,  chances are  you have failed to express confidence.

One of the reasons is that

1) You haven't mentally prepared or rehearsed enough before the job interview and
2) You have become conditioned to FAILURE because you have experienced more personal rejection then any normal person can handle.

Unfortunately most job interview books and sites  only discuss  things like, "How to answer job interview questions, what job interview answers to give, how to dress and what not to do at the interview etc...
They don't help you with self confidence and mental preparation.

If all you do is fix your  physical appearance, and memorize how to answer job interview questions

are missing out on 80%
of  the success factor that  goes into getting the JOB!
(Assuming that you are qualified for it)

This is why before you go into your next job interview  you need...
your brain on your side.

Even though interviewing for a job is not technically a sport I believe that if you want a job in todays tough economy, you need to treat  a job interview a bit more like a competition
after you are competing for a job.
And just like in an athletic competition

       What you do before you compete  determines 90% of the outcome.
       That's why having a high level of self confidence  is critical to your success during the job interview.
                      Usually when I work with a sports client, we spend  several  hours with me  hypnotizing them and  then feeding their mind with powerful hypnotic suggestions for  relaxing, focusing, blocking out distractions, letting go of negative thoughts, fears, unsupportive feelings,  filling their  mind with  positive thoughts. 

       We also work on visualization skills which allow an athlete  to  actually "see" feel and experience before hand the exact outcome that they want before they practice or compete.
       These powerful  techniques work like magic and improves  the performance of any athlete who uses them in record time.

So using hypnosis to help boost  your self confidence for your next job interview
is really no different.

Now if you want to work with me by phone or via CD or MP3 DOWNLOAD I can help you.

I have an amazing hypnosis CD OR MP3 DOWNLOAD for sale its called
Super Self Confidence For Job Seekers With Hypnosis
its available by clicking here

but if you are still reading this you came here expecting a FREE tip on how to use hypnosis for presenting yourself better in a job interview, answering the job interview questions properly and confidently so here are a few basic tips that will help you.

1) Before your next interview  do something to get your self in a happy mood. Listen to great music, watch a comedy, whatever works for you. Then

2) Go to the companies web site and study up on the company. Read all about them with a giant smile on your face and feel what it would  be like to work there. FEEL HAPPY!

3) Close your eyes and take 3 long slow deep breaths and think of a time where you felt totally self confident in yourself.  This may or may not have anything to do with work. Just experience this wonderful time and remember it and put a giant smile in your face. Feel that for a minute or so and experience this wonderful time.

4) Open your eyes and print out the name or logo of the company from their web site and cut it out
about the size of a pack of playing cards.

5) Put on your job interview clothes and  tape the companies logo to your breast area as if it were a company shirt with a company logo.

6) Stand in front of a mirror and smile and laugh and feel confident and radiate confidence to that image in the mirror and look happy and proud and like someone that  is happy to work for the company because  you already got the job and this is your uniform and you love this job and this company and yourself.

7) Now  stand there and pretend that you are looking back on the job interview and how you "nailed the interview" because you  answered all the interview questions with total self confidence. Notice how receptive the interview was during the interview process. Notice how happy you were....

8) Write down in a notebook as many happy, confident, supportive words, phrases, sentences, affirmations that  you can think of. 

9) Write down the following words
" I like myself, " I like myself, " I like myself, " I like myself, " I like myself!"
Say these words with total confidence and enthusiasm 25 x (even if you don't really believe it.)

10) The night before your next job interview repeat steps 1-9.
Repeat all of this the morning of the job interview when you first get up
do it again before you leave for the interview.

By the way don't be a dummy and wear casual clothes. The only proper clothes for a job interview during the hardest economy of all time

Leave your cell phone off and put it away. If It goes off  or if you send a text while you are in H.R....
Your toast.
Don't wear sweats unless your applying for a job at a health club.
Don't wear shorts unless your job takes place on the beach.
Take all that junk that you call, "piercings" out of your face.
Special job interview tip for everyone under age 40:
Don't show your tattoos unless you are applying to work at a
record store ( too bad there aren't any left) Tattoo parlor, motorcycle shop, rock-n-roll nightclub.
To most employers visible tattoos scream, "I don't want this job!"

Don't be a super dummy and SMOKE just before the interview. ( You will STINK)

When you get to the interview, before you leave your car or get anywhere near the building find some privacy and repeat  steps 1-9 and practice your smile!

When you go to the building for your interview you will notice,  that you feel so happy and confident
people will see you beaming and radiating soooo much confidence and friendliness that they will be attracted to you like metal to a super magnet.

Proof of this will be that when you enter the building, the guard or receptionist will "catch your smile" and smile back brightly before you even say one word... Next  when you go to H.R.
the receptionist will respond in the same way.

As a result of this you will find that the interviewer will immediately like you and that all of the answers to the job interview questions will just flow to you and you will answer properly and with confidence. 

If you need more help then this I can hypnotize you by phone at a nominal rate or you can work with one of my wonderful hypnosis CDS and DOWNLOADS that I created for people needing self confidence during a job interview.


I have an amazing hypnosis CD or MP3 DOWNLOAD for sale it is called
Super Self Confidence For Job Seekers With Hypnosis CD AND download
available by clicking here

Kindest Regards
Chris Cady Peak Performance Hypnotherapist
Reno, Nevada

I have an amazing hypnosis CD or MP3 DOWNLOAD that will help you get a job
its called
Super Self Confidence For Job Seekers With Hypnosis CD AND MP3
its available by clicking here